I'd say it's a good idea, though if you have enough favorite artists it may get crowed,
but the idea in general is good. Let's hope something come so of it
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I'd say it's a good idea, though if you have enough favorite artists it may get crowed,
but the idea in general is good. Let's hope something come so of it
Ya...thats like....
Great song (Not yours)
Okay animation (Kinda crappy)
Stupid message (Way to drilled in)
I've seen much much better uses of the song.
Plus Pirates rule cause I aren't gunna play no 700 for a program I only use to fix lighting.
i was making it easy as possible to get the message for people who didn't know anything about the internetz but thanks for reviewing!
Classic song
Classic Failure
If you are serious fix graphic and find a mp3 of song, you could do something good if you try at it, but that was just bad.
Sorry to be so blunt.
Good but...
So for some reason NG, gave me all the medals...and while I played a bit, I have not come close to completing every stage on Epic.
Other then that, I enjoy the game, I'd like to have the option of more control in fights, but the ability for it to auto run and my spells be my interaction is nice, thought mana gain is SLLLOOOOWWWW.
Other then that good job :D
Game was really good
Had loads of fun play for an hour....or 7....
Only issue I had swas in Demolition mode the game suddenly stoped making combos
I had several things in a row but nothing was going away, I'd shuffle the "droplets?" but it wouldn't work
other then that, great job, love to see more :D
Wavey :)
I like it, major changed from the last for sure, but it works really well no doubt about that, I can see it fitting title screen really well. Not sure what else you'd want to use it for, but there's veryl ittle I can imagine it not doing well it.
Whoot for knocking it outta the park :)
Not sure where you get all that peace
I got death fire of skull brain mean nasty pain hurty Superman
That aside, I do like the song, it flows so very well, and listing to it as it was changing is best deff a goodness to be handing
P.S. The loop if a bit off, but I can't hold that against you cause the straight play is rather good and a loop isn't that hard to cup around.
Loop has been fixed now. -less lazy-
Pu em up
Somewhere between Zelda's Choir, and Golden Suns beat is where I hear it.
I do like it. I think if you speed it up even faster you have the makings of battle music into boss fight :D
Other then that I say keep up the good work :)
Love the tones and the entirety of the image speaks wonders of the scene.
For the Win
A man doesn't just get my respect. He gets down in the dirt and begs for it.
Age 38, Male
S#!t Hole
Joined on 10/7/05